Technical advice & Assembly

Technical advice is non-binding. Our own fitters are experienced, creative and fast, and they ensure a high finish.

Technical advice

We are happy to put our expertise and decades of practical experience at your disposal, and our employees will be happy to visit your company to identify and discuss your needs without any obligation.

We measure and calculate, combine it with our competence, and present solution proposals with drawings and prices without any obligation.

You can find more videos on our YouTube channel here.

Do you have a problem related to acoustics, noise, dust, smoke, heat, cold, ATEX, cleanrooms, storage, space utilization or similar? Then contact us, we are ready to help you.

Consultancy, measurements, etc. are non-binding.

Short video on noise reduction.

Short video about cleanrooms.

Short video about shelving.


Our MATADOR walls are modular and can be assembled and dis-assembled, thus making them 100% reusable. This is good for both the customer’s economy and the environment.

The assembly does not make a mess, so production can often continue unaffected at the same time.

Our fitters are fast, creative and deliver a high finish.

Remodeling the MATADOR-module

As our MATADOR walls are reusable, our experienced fitters are also experts in alterations or enlargement of our MATADOR solutions.

We can convert an existing supervisor office, or a partition wall, into, for example, a soundproof enclosure for machinery or the like. There are no limitations on reusability.

So if you have a MATADOR solution that you want to change to another MATADOR solution, just give us a call.

100% reusable.

Other walls

MATADOR walls are so flexible that they are fully compatible with other wall systems.

The flexible system is easy to adapt and remodel – and the walls can be easily moved and reused, even in combination with many other known wall systems.

We service, install and remodel all known steel wall systems.

We can also supply compatible parts for existing Nordplan and Erfa walls.

So, if you have existing steel partitions that could be put to better use in other applications, arrange a consultation to see what we can do for you and your walls, whatever the make.

We drive all over the country – and abroad.

    Call us

    Du you have questions, or are you in need of guidance?
    You are always welcome to call us.

    +45 63 42 42 42

    Send a message

    You can also send us a message, then we will get back to you, as soon as possible.