We look forward to helping you!

Flemming N. Enevoldsen


Dir.: +45 40431303
Mob.: +45 40431303
E-mail: fe@skov-industri.dk

Mikael Rasmussen

Project Manager/specialist for Racks and Screenwalls

Dir.: +45 6127 3422
E-mail: mras@skov-industri.dk

Line S. Andersen

Project Manager

Dir.: +45 2487 6733
E-mail: lsa@skov-industri.dk

Frida Rørbye

Project Manager

Dir.: +45 3055 8838
E-mail: fr@skov-industri.dk

Accounts Department

Dir.: +45 6342 4240
E-mail: bogholderi@skov-industri.dk

Kim Damgaard

SCM Manager

Dir.: +45 4275 9030
E-mail: kd@skov-industri.dk

Goods receipt and dispatch

Gl. Grandvej 4 – DK 5580 Nr. Aaby

Monday – Thursday 06.30 – 14.45

Friday 06.30 -12.30

Outside of this time, only with apointment.

+45 6342 4242

E-mail: firma@skov-industri.dk

You can find us here

Flexible & Sustainable

Our MATADOR walls are modular and can be built up and taken down as often as you like.

As a result, they are sustainable, which is good for both the customer’s economy and the environment.

Wall modules can be replaced with, e.g. windows, doors, gates, locks etc., i.e. high flexibility when changes
in needs arise.

We don’t leave a mess when we assemble or disassemble, so production can often carry on running at the same time.

Our highly experienced fitters build in approximately half the time compared to other wall types.

Our MATADOR walls and wall partitions are easy to clean.

    Call us

    Du you have questions, or are you in need of guidance?
    You are always welcome to call us.

    +45 63 42 42 42

    Send a message

    You can also send us a message, then we will get back to you, as soon as possible.