Noise legislation
Noise reduction is essential to comply with legislation and protect employees hearing. Through effective noise reduction and the use of hearing protection, companies can create a healthier working environment and reduce the risk of hearing damage. A necessity in environments with high noise levels.
What is the legislation – inside and outside?
Legislation on noise can be divided into 2 main areas
- Noise in the workplace
- Noise to the company’s surroundings
Noise in the workplace
In terms of legislation, noise in the workplace is primarily regulated by the Norwegian Working Environment Authority.
The following should be noted here:
- No one must be exposed to a noise load of more than 85 dB(A) or peak values of impulses above 137 dB(C).
- The employer is responsible for all noise being combated where this is possible and financially affordable.
- Hearing protection is a temporary solution.
- The employee is obliged to use hearing protection if the noise is above 85 dB(A).
- The employer must provide hearing protection for the employees if the noise level exceeds 80 dB(A), or the peak values exceed 135 dB(C), or the noise is otherwise harmful or highly annoying. This may, for example, be the case if short-term work is carried out under a lot of noise.
We recommend that you read this AT guide D 6.1-5
Limits for external noise from companies
External noise from the company is regulated by the Environment Act and we recommend that you read on here
The limits for external noise appear below: (Source: The Environment Act)
The limit values are primarily used in connection with environmental approvals and orders, but can also be used for planning. There are different indicative limit values for the day period, the evening period and the night.
Please contact us if you know more about legislation on noise
About wearing hearing protection
Hearing protection is an emergency solution that should only be used where it is not possible to dampen the noise sufficiently.
Hearing protection must ensure sufficient attenuation while at the same time that it causes the least possible disturbance.
Just as there is a big difference in how prone we are to sunburn, there is a big difference in the hearing damage we get from a given noise. Some tolerate 90 dB for years, while others barely tolerate 80 dB.
The Working Environment Authority recommends using hearing protection if the noise is over 80 dB(A) and you MUST use hearing protection at 85 dB(A) See more here.
Contact us if you want to know more about hearing protection.